Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sharing My Knowledge on Vedanta - 2

Sastra granthas are texts that cover several topics pertaining to a subject whereas prakarana-granthas focus on a specific topic in detail. Ex: Prakarana grantha is like covering Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus individually whereas sastra grantha is like covering Mathematics as a whole.
Prakarana grantha support the students to focus on a specific topic that she/he is interested in and avoid non-essential topics, which may not pertain to the interest of the student, who wants to go deeper into one specific subject to a particular topic.
Mangalacarana is an invocation of the Lord and/ or the Guru or both before we start any event/challenge/projects. Sometimes one single word is used to invoke both the almighty and the Guru.
Ex: Sankaracharya mentioned the term 'Govinda' as a single word to invocate both the paramatma and his Guru Govinda Bhagwat pada in Vivekachudamani. All vedantic texts start with mangalacarana. Why?
To remember the Lord and the Guru before any challenge or event is to make one humble, pure and devoted have the strength to undertake the challenge. We can accomplish all things only by the Grace of the Lord and guidance of Guru. This also diminishes the ego in one, as one believes that we one need the grace of the Lord & Guru for the outcome.
I read somewhere Lord Krishna's flute symbolizes this. We all are like the hollow flute thru' which flows the enchanting music of Lord flows. It is His power that animates this body.
Prakarana grantha in the very beginning states explicitly the four preliminary considerations with respect to vedantic texts. They are:
1. Adhikari: A person who is qualified to receive the knowledge imparted in the text.
2. Visaya: The subject matter of the text
3. Prayojana/Phala: The results achieved by studying the text
4. Sambandha: The relationship between the subject matter and the text.
Every text is normally given to a certain class of students that have a set of qualities who alone can benefit from. For ex: Anatomy & physiology are directed to health professionals, Physics & electrical/electronics to engineering students, Accounting & Finance to commerce students. So also qualified aspirant alone can benefit from the study of Atma Bodha, while others are encouraged to aspire to study the text.
Sankaracharya says students who are fit to study Atma Bodha need to have certain discipline.
1. Adhikari:
An individual who has
1. Weakened his wrong tendencies and purified his heart through spiritual practices and study of scriptures - Ksinapapanam
2. One who has found mental calmness without any agitations - santanam
3. One who has developed detachment from worldly objects, relationships and situations - vitta-raginams
4. One who is s a sincere seeker, wanting to liberate oneself from one's own bondages and the cycle of birth & death - mumuksunam
- alone is fit to study Atma bodha, says Sankaracharya.
2. Visaya:
Atma (Self) Bodha (knowledge) is the study of self-knowledge. This is the knowledge of one's identity with the Brahman (the all pervading consciousness), which is termed as jiva-brahma-aikya.
The result of the study of Atma bodha is indicated by the phrase 'mumuksunam apeksyo yam' which is the purpose of seeker's liberation. This liberation is the freedom from the cycle of birth & death. This is the supreme (highest) result of the study of Vedanta.
The relationship between the text and the subject matter which is defines as ' bodhya-bodhaka-bhava-sambandha' is the relationship between the explainer and the explained - the grantha and its content.
Example given in this chapter is if one is hungry and does not know the food that is available can remove hunger, he will not make any effort to eat it.
It is important that we impart the consequences of every action - both benefits and otherwise so that youngsters can make appropriate choices. If they do not know the consequences, they do not allow themselves to choose the right response to any situation.
Studying the Vedanta is a choice and one will choose to read if they know what they'll get out of it.
Awesome Power is an organization committed to to encourage, motivate, inspire, coach and support individuals to believe in themselves and reach their fullest potentially in life.
The author of this article is a motivational speaker, a professional writer, personal coach dedicated to public speaking, writing articles and books to make a difference.
The author is also deeply interested in spiritual studies and believes our life is the consequences of our own actions and that the spiritual studies is the way for inner peace. We are on this earth to realize that all is ONE and that ONE is in all.

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