Of all the creatures in this universe, human birth is very rare. A human being with sattvic qualities is rare and the one who is on the path to dharma with a total commitment and steadfastness is much rare.
The verse written by Sankaracharya 'Vivekachudamani' lists nine blessings. They're:
1. Human birth (nara-janma)
2. Manhood (pumstvam)
3. Sattvic attitude in life (Viprata)
4. Steadfastness on the path of righteousness (vaidhika dharma-marga-parata)
5. Correct knowledge of the deep significances of Vedas (vidvattvam)
6. Differentiation between the Self and not Self (atma-anatma-vivecanam)
7. Direct experience (svanubhavam)
8. To be established in the awareness of the identity of the Brahman & Atman
9. Liberation (mukti)
Among all creatures in this universe from unicellular amoeba to ants, elephants, birds and all species, human birth is considered to be very rare. Not because of the physical or the intellectual power, though, they're admired, but human birth is considered noble because of the following reasons.
Thus pumstvam' (manhood) is not in reference to the physical body but to the intellect that is free of attachments. Manhood in spiritual context simply means courage, strength, constancy to pursuer with steadfastness, dedication, commitment and the strong will to pursue in the spiritual path.
Bhagvad Gita describes Viprata/sattvic attitude as self-restraint, austerity/strictness, purity, forgiveness, righteousness/honesty, straightforwardness/truthfulness, knowledge and intense belief in God. A human birth with all these values is considered to be a 'brahmin' - a rare combination of all divine qualities.
Due to our action in our past several births, we have come this point to focus on spiritual path.
Therefore, it is our responsibility to pursue in this path until we reach the destination of Self-knowledge which can liberate us from the bondages and finally from the cycle of birth & death (samsara)
Manhood and noble attitudes in life are good and will lead us to Godhood as we steadfastly pursue in that direction.
Practice of spiritual disciplines is the ritualistic approach and is a good stepping-stone to Godhood but we cannot stop there. We should develop the habit of reflecting on our existence, question our existence, and try to find who we are. We can observe our thoughts by meditating and be a witness to our prana/breathing & our thoughts. We're not the body, mind or intellect.
Worship, prayer, bajan can help us purify our mind and are actions based on the belief to reach the higher goal. Understanding the deeper meanings of the scriptures is the action at the intellectual level. Fall is eminent, we need to be constantly aware of our position and commit to move forward in the spiritual path. In this world of maya, distraction is plenty.
Vedanta is deep and needs a faculty of perception to understand the deeper logic. People who reach this level of understanding are much more rare than the people who follow the spiritual disciplines without having a deeper understanding. When one reaches this level of vidvattvam, should focus on the next level to be able to differentiate between the Self (the pure consciousness that resides in the physical body) from the material objects outside the body and the body itself & the mind. 'Self' separate from the BMI (Body, mind and intellect) - 's' is the non-Self. Those who are able to reach this level of differentiation have further advanced in the spiritual path. This is again at the intellectual level.
Svanubhava is the personal experience (subjective experience which cannot be described) is higher than the intellectual understanding. Reaching this state is extremely rare.
A person may experience a flash of awareness but that is not enough. One must continuously be aware of Self, as the witness in the physical body and abide in the understanding of this Self in me, 'Atman', the Self - is the same 'Brahman' everywhere. That realization is the purpose of this human birth. Such a person is glorified as jivan mukta in Upanishads, Shista-pragya (one who has transcended the three gunas Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic). Such a person is totally liberated from all desires & bondages, is selfless and has no rebirth.
Sankaracharya declares that his state cannot be had without thousands of lives lived with commitment to spiritual advancement.
The verse written by Sankaracharya 'Vivekachudamani' lists nine blessings. They're:
1. Human birth (nara-janma)
2. Manhood (pumstvam)
3. Sattvic attitude in life (Viprata)
4. Steadfastness on the path of righteousness (vaidhika dharma-marga-parata)
5. Correct knowledge of the deep significances of Vedas (vidvattvam)
6. Differentiation between the Self and not Self (atma-anatma-vivecanam)
7. Direct experience (svanubhavam)
8. To be established in the awareness of the identity of the Brahman & Atman
9. Liberation (mukti)
Among all creatures in this universe from unicellular amoeba to ants, elephants, birds and all species, human birth is considered to be very rare. Not because of the physical or the intellectual power, though, they're admired, but human birth is considered noble because of the following reasons.
- Only human birth is blessed with the ability to observe one's own thoughts, words and actions. They alone have the ability to change their thoughts and recourse the way they think.
- All living beings live in an instinctive mode. Human beings alone have the power to choose their responses to a given situation.
- Finally, they alone have the ability for diving pursuits. They alone can question their existence, reflect on their thoughts & behaviors, question the purpose of their existence and ask 'who am I? Where did I come from? Where am going?'
Thus pumstvam' (manhood) is not in reference to the physical body but to the intellect that is free of attachments. Manhood in spiritual context simply means courage, strength, constancy to pursuer with steadfastness, dedication, commitment and the strong will to pursue in the spiritual path.
Bhagvad Gita describes Viprata/sattvic attitude as self-restraint, austerity/strictness, purity, forgiveness, righteousness/honesty, straightforwardness/truthfulness, knowledge and intense belief in God. A human birth with all these values is considered to be a 'brahmin' - a rare combination of all divine qualities.
Due to our action in our past several births, we have come this point to focus on spiritual path.
Therefore, it is our responsibility to pursue in this path until we reach the destination of Self-knowledge which can liberate us from the bondages and finally from the cycle of birth & death (samsara)
Manhood and noble attitudes in life are good and will lead us to Godhood as we steadfastly pursue in that direction.
Practice of spiritual disciplines is the ritualistic approach and is a good stepping-stone to Godhood but we cannot stop there. We should develop the habit of reflecting on our existence, question our existence, and try to find who we are. We can observe our thoughts by meditating and be a witness to our prana/breathing & our thoughts. We're not the body, mind or intellect.
Worship, prayer, bajan can help us purify our mind and are actions based on the belief to reach the higher goal. Understanding the deeper meanings of the scriptures is the action at the intellectual level. Fall is eminent, we need to be constantly aware of our position and commit to move forward in the spiritual path. In this world of maya, distraction is plenty.
Vedanta is deep and needs a faculty of perception to understand the deeper logic. People who reach this level of understanding are much more rare than the people who follow the spiritual disciplines without having a deeper understanding. When one reaches this level of vidvattvam, should focus on the next level to be able to differentiate between the Self (the pure consciousness that resides in the physical body) from the material objects outside the body and the body itself & the mind. 'Self' separate from the BMI (Body, mind and intellect) - 's' is the non-Self. Those who are able to reach this level of differentiation have further advanced in the spiritual path. This is again at the intellectual level.
Svanubhava is the personal experience (subjective experience which cannot be described) is higher than the intellectual understanding. Reaching this state is extremely rare.
A person may experience a flash of awareness but that is not enough. One must continuously be aware of Self, as the witness in the physical body and abide in the understanding of this Self in me, 'Atman', the Self - is the same 'Brahman' everywhere. That realization is the purpose of this human birth. Such a person is glorified as jivan mukta in Upanishads, Shista-pragya (one who has transcended the three gunas Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic). Such a person is totally liberated from all desires & bondages, is selfless and has no rebirth.
Sankaracharya declares that his state cannot be had without thousands of lives lived with commitment to spiritual advancement.
Awesome Power is an organization committed to to encourage, motivate, inspire, coach and support individuals to reach their fullest potential.
The author of this article is a motivational speaker, a professional writer, personal coach dedicated to public speaking, writing articles and books to make a difference.
The author is also deeply interested in spiritual studies and believes our life is the consequences of our own actions. We are on this earth to realize that all is ONE and that ONE is in all.
The author of this article is a motivational speaker, a professional writer, personal coach dedicated to public speaking, writing articles and books to make a difference.
The author is also deeply interested in spiritual studies and believes our life is the consequences of our own actions. We are on this earth to realize that all is ONE and that ONE is in all.
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